Planning for the 3rd Annual Aging Gracefully Expo Underway

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Wednesday, May 30, 2018

PIERRE, S.D. - Attorney General Marty Jackley confirms that the 3rd Annual Aging Gracefully Expo (AGE) is scheduled for September 15, 2018. Last year nearly 500 people were reached across the state during the 2017 event.

'The Attorney's General's Consumer Protection Division is again teaming up with AARP and South Dakota State University Extension to bring the Aging Gracefully Expo to communities across the state,' said Jackley.

'We hope to double participation in 2018,' said Leacey Brown, SDSU Extension Gerontology Field Specialist. The keynote presentation will be simulcast. The keynote presentations are, 'Adulting: cultivating character to achieve wisdom' and 'Designing your life plan'. 'The planning committee is very excited about these presentations. Not only will they help attendees plan for the future, they aim to inspire attendees to see the years beyond 50 are full of growth and new beginnings,' said Brown.

Charges stem from information provided by a nursing home facility that believed Lingenfelter, Power of Attorney for her mother, obtained benefits from the State of South Dakota by fraud. Lingenfelter used her mother's assets for her own personal benefit, and she failed to provide for her mother's nursing care.

SDSU Extension is seeking individuals or organizations that would like to host Remote AGE Locations. Remote AGE Locations can be any location that has access to broadband internet. Remote location planning committees will be responsible for planning activities specific to their community. Activities will vary based on the type of event. A planning guide has been created to help communities that want to host AGE. It can be found on iGrow: http://igrow.org/up/resources/04-2001-2018.pdf SDSU Extension will be responsible for the coordination of that statewide event, including technical support to remote location planning committees, evaluation activities, financial accounting, webcast coordination, statewide marketing plan, broadcast location planning, question submission protocol, and other activities necessary for statewide AGE.

Individuals or organization who would like to coordinate AGE in their community must contact Leacey Brown at either (605) 394-1722 or leacey.brown@sdstate.edu. If you would like your community included in the statewide marketing (e.g., radio advertisements), you must contact Leacey by 5:00 p.m. on June 29, 2018.

Consumers can file a complaint directly on the Attorney General's Consumer Protection website at consumer.sd.gov. For any additional information consumers can email the Office at consumerhelp@state.sd.us or call 800-300-1986.