Modeling & Talent

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Beauty and talent contests are generally operated in one of two ways. One type involves corporate sponsorship and the entrants must meet eligibility requirements to participate. The other type of beauty pageant passes the cost onto participants, making them responsible for entry fees, food, lodging, special costumes, travel, even the cost of the award or crown. Often the contestants are required to get sponsors or sell tickets and advertising to defray the costs of the contest.

Generally there is nothing more flattering than receiving an invitation for yourself or your child to enter a beauty or baby pageant. However, it is for that same reason that people cannot be careful enough in protecting themselves from possible wrongdoing. There is no law that prescribes how a pageant must be managed or how much a pageant can charge prospective contestants. The rules are set by each contest promoter.

Before getting involved in a beauty contest, get some answers.

Other things you should find out are: is there a possibility of more than one actual winner of the pageant, and how did the promoter get your child's name. Some pageants claim the names were submitted, while others simply pull names out from newspapers or magazine subscription lists. Others let you participate by making applications available.

A legitimate contest promoter will be able to respond to questions with ease. Others may have difficulty in answering, or may vary their answers. Often "shady" businesses will make the inquirer feel dumb for having asked questions. Do not be intimidated. Once you receive answers to all of your questions, then use your own judgment to decide whether you want to enter yourself, or your son or daughter in a pageant. Before getting involved in a beauty contest, get some answers. Costs of the contests are often passed on to the participant.

Signs you might be dealing with a scam:

How to avoid being scammed: